Dear Parents/Guardians of Seventh and Eighth Graders,
The 7
th & 8th Grade children are invited to participate in a special way at our Holy Thursday evening Mass on April 13th at 7:00 pm. At the end of Mass, there will be a closing procession to place the Blessed Sacrament in a separate tabernacle that will be in the cry room. As part of the procession, we invite the 7
th & 8
th Graders to join Father and carry a candle that will be placed near the tabernacle.
We invite the children to wear their “Sunday best”. We ask that they wear dress clothes and nice shoes, no tennis shoes.
I will have a few reserved pews in the front of church and invite them to sit with me there.
If you would like your child to participate, please detach and return signed form no later than Wednesday, March 29
Many blessings to you,
Mrs. Kyra Gulledge Coordinator of Religious Education St. Francis Borgia Parish