We hope you’ve had the opportunity to sit next to a young parishioner that is adding information to his or her Lenten Passport during Mass and that you’ve noticed the rectangular shaped basket in front of the altar. This basket contains Lenten commitments by the day school and PSR students in our parish. It is heartwarming to observe their dedication to these commitments.
How do YOU feel about the color pink? Maybe your favorite color is pink; or maybe you know someone whose favorite color is pink. Lent is a penitential season that continues on for forty days. By week four we are asking ourselves why we ever thought giving up coffee for Lent was such a good idea. Then we see the priest enter the sanctuary donned with rose vestments. We are reminded that, even in the midst of our penance, there is hope and rejoicing for we are halfway up the holy mountain of Easter. “Rejoice, Laetare Jerusalem … Be joyful, all who were in mourning!” – taken from Isaiah chapter 66. Laetare Sunday is meant to give us hope and encouragement as we slowly progress towards the Paschal Feast. May the commitments we have all made to strengthen our relationship with God during the Lenten Season continue far beyond the Easter Season.
Liturgical colors are powerful in their message. They speak to us, inspire us, challenge us, and encourage us. Since we see rose vestments only twice each year the message is even more powerful. Even if the priest chooses to wear violet vestments on those days, THINK PINK.